Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Why do headset suppliers deliver USB Dongles?

2021-04-08 3 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

Even back in the days with Skype for Business i’ve had the same discussions and this has not changed with Microsoft Teams.

Why do i need to use the USB Dongle and cannot use the bluetooth in my laptop?

In my opinion the main reason for using the USB Dongle is the complete user experience.

Almost on a daily bases i see customers strugling with their headsets, using the dongle and paired to the laptops bluetooth stack, buttons not working for mute, picking up calls, low range of headset, etc.

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How to enable Viva Connections desktop!

In this guide i will show you the steps for enabling Microsoft Viva Connections Desktop! This is one of the four Viva Modules

The Viva Connections for desktop experience, combines the power of your intelligent SharePoint intranet with chat and collaboration tools in Microsoft Teams. Viva Connections enables users to discover and search relevant content, sites, and news from across the organization right from the Team’s app bar. Viva Connections also allows you to incorporate your organization’s brand and identity directly in Teams.

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Cheatsheet - Forever

2021-03-30 1 min read Cheatsheet     "Erwin Bierens"

Forever Cheatsheet

A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever).

[+] Installation

You could install forever using npm like this:

sudo npm install -g forever

[+] Commands

And then start your application with:

forever server.js

Or as a service:

forever start server.js

Forever restarts your app when it crashes or stops for some reason. To restrict restarts to 5 you could use:

forever -m5 server.js

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Cheatsheet - kismet

2021-03-30 1 min read Cheatsheet     "Erwin Bierens"

Kismet Cheatsheet

Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool, and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (software defined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capture hardware.

[+] Commands

Turn Interface down

ifconfig wlan0 down

Set monitor mode

iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

Set interface up

ifconfig wlan0 up

Start listening for all nearby beacon frames to get target BSSID and

airodump-ng wlan0 --band abg

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Cheatsheet - snmpwalk

2021-03-30 1 min read Cheatsheet     "Erwin Bierens"

SNMPWalk Cheatsheet

SNMP protocol provides useful features to monitor and configure network and server systems remotely. Monitoring features are much popular than configuration. snmpwalk is a function provided by SNMP protocol to get metrics of remote system in bulk.

[+] Get All OIDS

We will first look the simplest usage of the snmpwalk command. We just provide minimum options to the snmpwalk. We will provide following options as minimum -v 2c version information 2 community -c the public or private secret IPADDRESS

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Cheatsheet - Wireshark

2021-03-30 2 min read Cheatsheet     "Erwin Bierens"

Wireshark Cheatsheet

Wireshark is a network packet analyzer. A network packet analyzer will try to capture network packets and tries to display that packet data as detailed as possible. You could think of a network packet analyzer as a measuring device used to examine what’s going on inside a network cable, just like a voltmeter is used by an electrician to examine what’s going on inside an electric cable (but at a higher level, of course). In the past, such tools were either very expensive, proprietary, or both. However, with the advent of Wireshark, all that has changed. Wireshark is perhaps one of the best open source packet analyzers available today.

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Using a Call Queue in your Teams channel

2021-03-30 2 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

Collaborative calling enables you to connect a call queue to a channel in Teams. Users can collaborate and share information in the channel while taking calls in the queue.

This feature is ideal for scenarios such an IT helpdesks or HR hotlines. IT admins can quickly connect call queues to specific channels, and team owners can manage the settings.

You will now have the possibility to use a Teams channel for your Call Queue. With this new feature you will get a Calling tab in your Teams channel. Call Queue

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