Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Microsoft 365 - Assign licenses with PowerShell to users

2022-11-28 2 min read Microsoft365     "Erwin Bierens"

During the working week i get a lot of questions about assigning licenses (mostly the Microsoft Teams Phone Standard license) to users in bulk. This can be easily resolved with PowerShell.

First logon to MSOnline, if you don’t have this module installed use: Install-Module -name MSOnline


Let’s see your active licenses


In order to assign a license to one of your users use the following cmdlet

Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName -AddLicenses tenant:mcoev

In this example we’ve assigned the Microsoft Teams Phone Standard license to the user.

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Microsoft Teams - Direct Routing Root Certificates Update

2022-10-05 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

On May 12, 2025, the current root certificate “Baltimore CyberTrust Root” expires. This certificate now handles the encryption of Microsoft Teams but also Azure Communication Services and even still the old Skype for Business Online components.

The transition to the new root certificates has started by Microsoft in January 2022 and will be completed this month, October 2022. In case you are using Direct Routing with your Microsoft 365 tenant you probaly have uploaded the Baltimore CyberTrust Root certificate in to your SBC.

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Audiocodes - Block spam calls

2022-08-17 2 min read Audiocodes     "Erwin Bierens"

More and more we hear customers complaining about spam likely calls, There is a way to block these calls based on your dialplan and an IP-2-IP route in the Audiocodes Mediant SBC.


If you are not using the DialPlan you will need to create one first, if you already use a DialPlan we can reuse it.

Navigate to Signalling & Media > SIP Definitions > DialPlan

Click on DialPlan Rule X items > Add a new DialPlan Rule > New

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Microsoft Teams - Delegated Persmissions

2022-08-01 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

For my job i’m working with a lot of customers that have been onboarded within in the Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider program (CSP).

From this point of view it’s easy to manage multiple tenants securely without having to manage all kind of admin identities for each customer.

In the Microsoft Partner Center you can easily browse to a customer and go to service management menu to open the specific admin center.

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Microsoft Teams - Chat with yourself

2022-07-11 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

Microsoft Teams has a new update that enables users to create a chat with themselves. This update (Feature ID 88066) has been rolled out to desktop, web and mobile users.

If you don’t see it yet, log off and on to the Teams client and it probaly shows up in your pinned chats.

Pinned Chat

Microsoft highlights that the new chat with self feature is designed to help users stay organized. Just like regular chats, you will be able to send yourself messages, notes, files, images, and videos. The feature could be useful for creating drafts to capture quick ideas/reminders and prevent users from accidentally sending incomplete messages.

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Microsoft Teams - PowerShell Module 4.5.0

2022-07-06 2 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

Microsoft has released version 4.5.0 of the Teams PowerShell Module.

Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module (TPM) versions in the 4.x.x series or later are the only versions supported now. All earlier versions are fully retired since June 15, 2022 & will stop working (Message center post for reference - MC350371).

It’s recommended to update to the latest Teams PowerShell Module version.

Update your module by the following cmdlet:

Update-Module MicrosoftTeams

If you encounter problems you can use the -force parameter. For more info about installing the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module, follow this link.

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Update Homebrew on MacOS

2022-07-06 2 min read MacOS     "Erwin Bierens"

Updating Homebrew and your installed packages? Homebrew is a popular package manager for Mac that easily allows users to install and manage command line tools, apps, and utilities, typically familiar with the Linux and Unix world. Because it’s a package manager, you won’t need to manually build anything from source. So let’s cover the update process for homebrew and it’s packages.

For those who are not familiar with Homebrew check the page Link

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