Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

The end of Skype for Business Online

Yesterday (July 30, 2019) Microsoft announced the retirement date of Skype for Business Online. Skype for Business Online will be retired on July 31, 2021, at which point access to the service will discontinue.

Until this date customers of Skype for Business Online can expect no change in the service up to its retirement date.

With the focus of helping customers transition from Skype for Business Online to Teams, as of September 1, 2019, no new tenants will be on-boarded to Skype for Business Online. Customers actively using Skype for Business Online will still be able to add new users to their tenant.

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Jabra PanaCast

2019-06-17 4 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

Last week Jabra announced their worlds first smart panoramic 4K video solution!

We (my company Detron and I) are lucky to test the PanaCast since there are only 180 (of which 10 in the Netherlands) out in the wild right now.

Jabra Panacast V3

What is the PanaCast?

Jabra PanaCast is the world’s first intelligent panoramic video collaboration device with three 13 megapixel cameras, working together as one via core technology embedded in the built-in Jabra PanaCast Vision Processor. The multi-camera array solution offers a full 180-degree panoramic field of view, delivering a naturally immersive experience. It even has real-time movement detection including the ability to count the number of people in a room (up to 12 meters away).

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Priority Notifications in Microsoft Teams

2019-06-12 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

What are priority notifications?

This feature allows a user to mark a chat message in Teams as “Urgent”. Unlike regular “important” messages, Urgent Messages (also known as “priority notifications”) notify users repeatedly for a period of 20 minutes or until messages are picked up and read by the recipient, maximizing the likelihood that the message is picked up and acted upon in a timely manner.


How to enable?

IT Admins can manage this feature as part of messaging policies in Teams. This feature is on by default for all tenants.

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Migration to Hugo Framework

2019-04-24 4 min read Security     "Erwin Bierens"

My journey in moving to Hugo

For more then 10 years I’ve been using Wordpress to run my blog site and now i have made the decission to switch to using Hugo, a static site generator. Now I’d like to share my reasons for doing this, and (perhaps) how you can do this too.

WordPress is pretty easy to use, and there are plenty of plugins allowing you to do pretty much anything. However, the numerous WordPress/plugin updates, upgrades and countless security flaws were making me feel it was time to replace WordPress for a static site.

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Upgrade your Office 365 ProPlus to 64-bit

2019-04-22 2 min read Office365 Erwin Bierens

Why should I upgrade?

Recently Microsoft started to recommend its 64-bit edition of the Office 365 pro plus suite to be installed as the default Office installation.

Office ProPlus and Office 2019 will now be installed with 64-bit as the default setting. Previously, the default setting was 32-bit at installation. This change will begin rolling out in mid-January, 2019.


Message from admin center office 365

Office ProPlus and Office 2019 will now be installed with 64-bit as the default setting. Previously, the default setting was 32-bit at installation. This change will begin rolling out in mid-January, 2019.

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Get the hell out of Islands Mode

2019-04-18 4 min read Microsoft Teams Erwin Bierens

What’s happening?

More and more organisations are starting explore Microsoft Teams, and in doing this it’s important to understand the interopability options while running in coexistence (Skype for Business Online and Microsoft Teams next to each other).

Like all other vendors, backward compatibility is always difficult ;-) Teams is in this case no exception.

First of all, if your tenant was created before november 2018 you are probally running in Islands mode. You can check this by going to the Teams Admin Portal.

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