Erwin Bierens

Knowledge is Power

Cheat sheet - Skype for Business

2020-11-24 2 min read Skype for Business Erwin Bierens

This page will be updated continuous with the latest and greatest links and Scripts.

Do you want your script, how to or program on this page, please contact me.


Conference Units / Rooms

General Information

How to’s





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Upgrading the Audiocodes One Voice Operations Center (OVOC)

2020-11-18 2 min read Audiocodes     "Erwin Bierens"

AudioCodes One Voice Operations Center (OVOC, also known as Element Management System and IP Phone Manager) is a web-based voice network management solution that combines management of voice network devices (Audiocodes IP Phones, Mediapacks, Mediants etc..) and quality of experience monitoring into a single, intuitive web-based application.

OVOC enables administrators to manage and to adopt a holistic approach to network lifecycle management by simplifying everyday tasks and assisting in troubleshooting all the way from detection to correction.

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Bypass the Microsoft Teams Lobby

2020-10-27 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

Control your meetings like never before! “Let everyone bypass the lobby” setting is now General Available in your meeting options.

Do cross the lobby

With this setting on, all people in your organizationand guest users will bypass the lobby. The feature is available as a new value in “Who can bypass the lobby?” dropdown in Teams Meeting options. You can set this in your existing Teams meetings as well as in your future Teams meetings.

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Jabra Evolve versus the Evolve2 series

2020-10-23 5 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

April 1 20202, Jabra launched it’s new Evolve2 series office headsets. This is the new standard according to Jabra.

The headsets are designed to improve concentration, collaboration and flexibility in any workplace. But to what extent is Jabra succeeding in this, what does this new standard mean?

In this blog we take a closer look at one of the most famous headsets in the Evolve series: The Jabra Evolve 65 and the new Jabra Evolve2 65.

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Error while moving user from SfB 2015 to SfB 2019 pool


When you attempt to move a user from a Skype for Business Server 2015 to 2019 pool but notice that it fails with the following error:

Failed while updating destination pool.

error moving user

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CsUser |Move-CsUser -Target -verbose
VERBOSE: CN=ebi,OU=Accounts,DC=skypedev,DC=nl

[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
VERBOSE: Validating parameters for move operation.
VERBOSE: Calculating new server information for user [].
VERBOSE: Moving user [] across pools.
Move-CsUser : Failed while updating destination pool.
At line:1 char:32
+ ... |Move-CsUser -Target -verbose ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
	+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (CN=ebi,DC=skypedev,DC=nl:OCSADUser) [Move-CsUser], MoveUserE
	+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MoveError,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.Cmdlets.MoveOcsUserCmdlet

Results from this operation can be found at "C:\Users\administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\MoveResults-99b5be4e-c844-4493-9a4b-6bebe01fe402.csv".

Solve issue

This has been a common issue in environments where a user’s user(security) object has Inheritance disabled on their Active Directory Account.

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Direct Routing keeps sending Anonymous

2020-10-05 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"


While i was configuring an Audiocdes SBC with Direct Routing setup and started testing, we faced the issue that every call outgoing is presenting Anonymous as caller ID.


When looking up the SDP invite i saw the parameter Privacy showing up. Privacy ID


After some digging, i found that the Privacy ID is added automatically when you enable the option -forwardPAI $true (P-Asserted-Identity) within the Set-CsOnlinePSTNGateway cmdlet.

Because i don’t want to remove the PAI, i created the following manipulation rule in the Audiocodes SBC to remove the Privacy ID. Action Subject:

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Do not bypass the lobby anymore

2020-08-10 1 min read Microsoft Teams     "Erwin Bierens"

Control your meetings like never before! “Only Organizer bypasses lobby” setting is now General Available in your meeting options.

Do NOT cross the lobby

With this setting on, even people in your organization or in the meeting will now go through lobby first. The feature is available as a new value in “Who can bypass the lobby?” dropdown in Teams Meeting options. You can set this in your existing Teams meetings as well as in your future Teams meetings.

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